21 DIY Vitamin E Capsules Face Masks for Skin Whitening, Dark circles and Acne

All kinds of face masks with Vitamin E capsules are not an exceptional thing anymore. Today, almost all the beauty products on the market include vitamin e capsules as an essential ingredient. Likewise, most of the people are also incorporating these capsules in their homemade face masks for skin whitening, Acne, aging, Dark circles, and other skin problems.

The Vitamin E capsules which are currently engrossing in the beauty industry will surely have a lot of benefits for the face. So, let’s check out some of the benefits.


Benefits of Vitamin E Capsules for Face and Skin Whitening


  • Vitamin E capsules are antioxidants that can repair the damaged skin and brings back the glowy face. The capsules have the capability to generate new cells by removing the dead skin cells. So, your acne or acne scars will also fade away slowly.
  • These capsules will restore the lost moisture and nourishes your skin from deep within
  • It works best for dull, dry and damaged skin
  • If you apply vitamin e oil around the eyes, it would be the best way to get rid of dark circles
  • Vitamin e capsules are the best home remedy for skin whitening as they are responsible to lighten dark patches and even out your skin tone
  • Vitamin e capsules will boost up the nutrients into the skin tissue thereby removing the stretch marks
  • It promotes healthy skin and reverses the signs of premature aging
  • The oils in vitamin e capsules act as the best moisturizer. It can also help soften dry and chapped lips.
  • It can protect your skin from harmful bacterial infections

So, why not give a try to the face masks with vitamin e capsules? However, the big question is Does vitamin e capsules really help to lighten your skin and alleviate all the other skin problems? If so, then how to use vitamin e capsules for skin whitening, blackheads, and acne?



Does Vitamin E Capsules help with Skin Whitening, Dark circles, and Acne?

Vitamin E Capsules will help your skin to get better in many ways. From skin whitening to reduce the dark circles, these capsules can do their job perfectly. Besides, whitening your skin, it can regenerate new cells and lighten dark spots or scars on your face.

As vitamin e capsules are both a nutrient and an antioxidant, [1] they act as scavengers to eliminate the toxins, radicals, and dead skin cells without entering the skin. Free radicals, toxins, and dead skin cells lead to dark and uneven skin tone. If your skin gets rid of such obnoxious things, you can get fair and flawless skin in no time.

Additionally, they pamper your skin by giving an instant boost of moisture. These capsules help in the formation of collagen which rejuvenates your skin and makes it look young to a hundredfold. [4]

So, you can use vitamin e capsules for skin whitening or remove blackheads, dark circles, acne and acquire all the maximum positive effects of these capsules in order to get a flawless skin. [2] [3]


Well, here are the top 21 Face masks made with Vitamin e capsules which you can apply to your face. Pull things together to sugar-coat your face with these amazing face masks.



Vitamin e capsules and all the other ingredients which you include in the face masks perhaps not suit all the skin types. Therefore, choose the ingredients wisely according to what suits your skin type. Sometimes, these natural homemade facemasks may not show up immediate results but all the skin issues melt away over a period of time.



21 Vitamin E Capsules Facemasks for Skin Whitening, Blackheads and Acne



Facemasks with Vitamin E Capsules for Skin Whitening


1. Sandalwood powder facemask 


vitamin e capsules for skin whitening

Chandan powder/ Sandalwood powder has been used widely since ages for all the skin problems and thanks to its wonderful properties. Needless to say, Sandalwood powder is used for whitening the skin from back in the day to these modern days. [5] On regular use this antibacterial powder can also help with acne, remove suntan, reduce wrinkles or any signs of aging, and heals the dry skin. Milk enriched with other potent antioxidants will help to nourish the skin cells and keep the skin moisturized throughout the day. [6] Rosewater is a great cleanser and aids in removing dirt, oils, and grime accumulated in clogged pores. It also makes you get rid of acne and redness. [7]

  • Sandalwood powder – 2 tbsp
  • Milk – 1 tbsp
  • Vitamin e capsules – 2
  • Rose water – few drops
How to prepare and apply?

Prick 2 vitamin e capsules carefully using a sterile safety pin. Then squeeze to extract all the oil from vitamin e capsules in a small bowl. Add 2 tablespoons of Chandan powder, a tablespoon of milk and few drops of Rosewater into the same bowl. Mix all the ingredients well and apply the facemask to the areas that need healing. Leave it on for a while and gently massage the face with your fingertips. This action will stimulate blood circulation and speed up the healing process. Finally, rinse off with lukewarm water.


2. Aloe Vera and Vitamin E capsules for skin whitening


The medicinal plant Aloe vera provides a host of benefits to your skin which includes treating acne, soothing skin, acting as a moisturizer, bringing back the glowing skin, fights aging, lessens the visibility of stretch marks and it’s also great for maintaining a healthy body. [8] Aloe vera with the combination of vitamin e capsules will double the effect of whitening your skin and reducing acne or blackheads.

  • Aloe vera gel
  • Vitamin E Capsules -1
How to prepare and apply?

Extract the gel from the aloe vera plant into a small bowl. Prick and squeeze out the oil from 1 vitamin e capsule into the bowl using a sterile safety pin. Blend the oil and gel well. Apply it onto your face and let it dry completely. Later rinse off your face with cold water.


3. Vitamin E Oil and Lemon Juice to whiten the skin

lemon juice and vitamin e capsules to whiten skin

Lemons that are enriched with Vitamin C and citric acid are ideal for whitening the skin. With its antioxidant properties, it reduces free radicals, boosts the production of collagen, and lightens the skin. Lemons have a wide range of beauty benefits and that’s the reason why your skin loves citrusy lemons. The antibacterial properties of lemons will help with acne breakouts, dark circles, puffy eye bags, blackheads, and prevent ageing. [9] The combination of lemons and vitamin e capsules will be more effective on your skin coz these two are the best skin ingredients.

  • 2 tbsp Lemon Juice
  • Vitamin E capsules – 2
How to prepare and apply?

Prick and squeeze out the oil from the vitamin e capsule. Add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and blend the mix thoroughly. Apply the mixture all over your face including the neck area. Leave it on for 30 minutes and wash off with cold water. You can apply this mask every day for more skin whitening benefits.

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4. Yogurt facemask with Vitamin E oil for skin whitening


Yoghurt facemask for skin whitening
Image courtesy of Flickr


Loaded with proteins, vitamin D, calcium, and probiotics yogurt is essential for a healthy body. And surprisingly, yogurt can also do wonders for your skin. When you apply yogurt topically on your skin, it lightens the skin, prevents premature ageing, fights acne, moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin from deep within. So, it’s basically an all-rounder offering both health and beauty benefits. Yogurt which is antibacterial in nature is ideal for any skin treatments. It’s not only soft to touch but also keeps your skin soft and moist. [10] Lemon juice with its citrusy nature, flushes out the dead skin cells, oils, bacteria, and dirt from the clogged pores. Consequently, it whitens the skin, fights acne, reduces discoloration, and prevents ageing. Just like lemons, rosewater is also the best skin cleanser.

  • Vitamin E capsules oil – 2
  • Yogurt – 2 tbsp
  • Lemon Juice – 1 tbsp
  • Rosewater – few drops
How to prepare and apply?

Prick and squeeze out the oils from vitamin e capsules. Mix all the ingredients with vitamin e oil thoroughly. Apply the face mask all over your face including the neck area. Let it dry and wash off with cold water.


5. Vitamin E and Papaya for glowing skin


papaya facemask for glowing skin

Papaya is one of the most leading ingredients and used widely in skincare treatments. It contains a natural ingredient called papain which promotes skin rejuvenation and helps with getting glowing skin. Additionally, it also exfoliates the skin by producing new cells. So, why to worry about skin problems. Papaya is high in fiber, rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals which moisturizes the skin, reduces wrinkles, blackheads, acne, dark circles and removes tan. [11] Honey is naturally antibacterial and loaded with antioxidants. So, its the best ingredient for acne treatment, to slow down aging and extremely moisturizes your skin. [12]

  • Half sliced Papaya
  • Honey – 1 Tsp
  • Vitamin E capsules – 2
How to prepare and apply?

Prick and Squeeze the oil from vitamin e capsules into a small bowl. Make a paste from the chunks of papaya. Later, blend all the ingredients into a smooth paste and apply all over your face including the neck area. Leave it on till it dries and then wash your face with lukewarm water.


6. Vitamin E Oil and Olive Oil to lighten the skin


olive oil to lighten the skin

Since ages, this kitchen staple has been used for plenty of skincare treatments. Basically, olive oil is power-packed with anti-aging antioxidants which makes olive oil suitable for skin, hair, and health. The vitamin e and antioxidants in olive oil protect the skin from any damages. It moisturizes the skin from deep within, improves the skin health, gives a glowy white skin, removes the wrinkles and blackheads. It can also be used as a lip scrub as it makes your lips soft and supple. [13]

  • 2 Tbsp of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1 Vitamin E capsule
How to prepare and apply?

Extract the oil from the vitamin e capsule by pricking and squeezing it. Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil and mix thoroughly. Using the fingertips massage your face evenly and gently. Leave it about an hour on your face and rinse off with warm water. You can follow up on this treatment on alternate days.


7. Honey and Vitamin E capsule for Skin whitening


honey facemask for skin whitening

Honey has a bunch of skin-saving properties because it’s naturally antibacterial in nature and is loaded with antioxidants. So, honey is great for boosting the complexion, treating acne, and moisturizing the skin extremely. If your skin is well moisturized it helps to create a glow in your face. Whether you’re looking for whitening your skin or treating skin problems, honey is a great solution. [14]

  • 1 Tsp Honey
  • 1 Vitamin E capsule
How to prepare and apply?

Mix both the ingredients into a smooth paste. Apply the mix all over your face and start massaging in circular motions. Leave it on your skin for a while and then rinse it off.


8. Strawberry facemask with Vitamin E Oil


strawberries for skin whitening

Rich in Vitamin C, these face masks are ideal for revitalizing your skin, removing excess sebum on the skin, lightening blemishes and acne scars. The juice of strawberries is very effective in whitening or lightening the skin. Strawberries also contain alpha-hydroxy acid, which eliminates the dead skin cells and cleanses the skin. It also reverses the signs of aging. Altogether, strawberries keep your skin healthy. [15] Besides, Honey with its antibacterial and moisturizing properties, it will also promote healthy skin. Also, it keeps your skin moist, soft, and supple.

  • Few chunks of Strawberries
  • 1 Tsp Honey
  • 1 Vitamin E capsule
How to prepare and apply?

Blend the chunks of strawberries into a smooth paste and transfer it into a bowl. To that add all the other ingredients and mix thoroughly. Apply the paste all over your face and let it dry. Rinse off when the mask dries. Repeat this treatment whenever your skin needs a little bit pampering.


9. Milk and Vitamin E Oil for Dry skin


milk for skin whitening and dry skin

Milk if including in the facemasks it will reduce skin damage, boosts hydration, whitens your skin, and promotes healthy glowing skin. As it’s a rich source of essential nutrients it enhances the overall beauty of your skin. The lactic acid in milk will effectively reduce the pigmentation and lightens your skin tone. It boosts hydration which makes you achieve healthy, glowing, and beautiful skin. This way milk will enhance your skin texture to a hundredfold. [16] In combination with honey and vitamin e capsules, this facemask nourishes your skin by preserving moisture.

  • Vitamin E capsules – 2
  • Honey – 2 Tbsp
  • Milk – 2 Tbsp
How to prepare and apply?

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and apply the mask to your face and the neck area. Let it dry and then wash your face with lukewarm water after 30 minutes. Use this face mask twice or thrice a week.


10. Vitamin E capsules for lightening the lips


lip balm for lightening the lips

This amazing lip balm with vitamin e capsules will heal the dry lips by instantly making them soft and supple. Also, on frequent usage, this lip balm will lighten the lips.

How to prepare and apply?

Squeeze out the oil from the capsules and mix the oil with any of your favorite lip balms. You can also buy a lip balm that contains vitamin E oil as an essential ingredient.

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Facemasks with Vitamin E Capsules for Dark circles and Acne


11. Cucumber and Vitamin E capsule for Dark circles 


cucumbers for skin lightening

The Kheera or popularly known as Cucumbers are high in water content. They revitalize your skin, heals the sunburns, and gives instant relief. The mild astringent properties in cucumbers will improve skin health, heals blemishes, wrinkles, and rejuvenates the skin. Obviously, these are widely used to treat the puffy eye bags. Furthermore, cucumbers also treat open pores and help to get rid of dark circles. Adding aloe vera gel to this pack will moisturize your skin and provides protection from skin discoloration. [16]

  • 2 Vitamin E capsules
  • 1 sliced Cucumber
  • 1 tsp Aloe vera gel
How to prepare and apply?

Combine the other ingredients with cucumber puree. Apply the paste to your face and neck area. Let it dry for quite a while and then rinse it off. You can use this mask every day if you’re so concerned about the blackheads.


12. Egg and Vitamin E mask for Acne


eggs for acne

Wondering how Eggs are helpful in treating acne? Egg whites have long been used as a remedy to treat acne breakouts. They will cleanse the skin by removing dirt, excess oils, and dead skin cells from the clogged pores which cause acne. Egg whites also act as a mild astringent, that helps to tighten and tone your skin. [17] In addition, yogurt will gently exfoliate the skin and also lighten the complexion. This combination facemask fights with acne, whiten the skin, prevents premature aging, and other common skin issues.

  • Yogurt – 1 Tbsp
  • Egg whites – 1
  • Vitamin E capsule – 1
How to prepare and apply?

Whisk an egg, to that add a tablespoon of yogurt and oil from 1 vitamin e capsule. Mix all the ingredients well and apply the mask all over your face. Leave it on for 20-30 minutes until it dries. Then wash it off with lukewarm water.


13. Glycerin and Vitamin E capsules for Acne

Glycerin is used to treat many skin conditions like acne, wrinkles, fine lines, blackheads, and other skin infections. Naturally derived from plant oils, glycerin moisturizes and hydrates the skin by drawing water into the skin. Glycerin also acts as an emollient, to keep your skin healthier and attractive. It forms as a thick outer layer for your skin and will protect from environmental pollution and harmful chemicals.

  • Glycerin – 1 Tsp
  • Rosewater – 1 Tsp
  • Vitamin E capsule – 1
How to prepare and apply? 

Mix all the ingredients together into a smooth paste and gently apply all over your face. You can let it stay on your face till it dries. Later, rinse off with cold water and pat dry.


14. Coconut Oil and Vitamin E Oil for Dark circles


coconut oil for dark circles

Coconut oil has many internal and external beauty benefits like moisturizing skin. Do we ever think that coconut oil can also diminish the dark circles? Well, it either will lighten or remove the dark circles. As coconuts contain lactic acid, it softens the delicate skin under your eyes and lightens your skin. The Vitamin E found in coconut oil makes it the best antioxidant to keep the skin issues at bay. The combination of coconut oil and vitamin e oil will give you the desired results over time. [18]

  • 1 Tbsp Coconut Oil
  • 1 Vitamin E Capsule
How to prepare and apply?

Mix both the oils thoroughly and massage them under your eyes for a couple of minutes. Repeat this treatment 3-4 times a week. It can also remove under-eye bags.


15. Tomato facemask for dark circles

tomato facemasks for dark circles

Tomatoes are great for your skin in resolving most of the skin issues. Since tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, they can eliminate acne, pigmentation, sunburns, and brightens the dull skin. It provides good vitamin intake for maintaining healthy and glowing skin. Some of the flavonoid antioxidants like lycopene will make your skin to get rid of the skin issues. The juice of tomatoes works as an excellent astringent which fights acne removes blackheads and freshens your skin. [19] Baking soda is a mild exfoliant with antibacterial properties that removes dead skin cells, cleans your pores, and prevents the breakouts. So, no more skin problems. [20] Milk, as usual, will hydrate and moisturizes your skin. It also helps to lighten the dark areas.

  • Tomato Juice – 1 Tbsp
  • Baking Soda – 1/2 Tsp
  • Milk – 1 Tsp
  • Vitamin E capsule – 1
How to prepare and apply?

Prick open the vitamin e capsule and mix it with all the ingredients into a smooth paste. Apply the paste to your face and leave it on till it dries. Later, wash it off with water and pat dry. Repeat this treatment once every week.


16. Turmeric and Vitamin E capsule for Acne


turmeric and vitamin e capsules for acne

For thousands of years, people are using turmeric for its effective healing properties. This excellent spice has a bunch of health and beauty benefits. Turmeric contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help revive the skin and bring back a natural glow. The anti-inflammatory properties will target the pores and remove all the excess bacteria from the pores. Thereby you can have a fresh and squeaky clean face with no acne breakouts and scarring. [21] In addition, milk moisturizes your skin from deep within.

  • Turmeric – 1/2 Tsp
  • Milk – 1 Tsp
  • Vitamin E capsule – 1
How to prepare and apply?

Prick and open a vitamin e capsule and squeeze out the oil into a bowl. Add the other ingredients and mix well. Apply the mask to your face and leave it on till it dries. Use this treatment once a week.


17. Vitamin E capsule Oil for Dark Circles

Vitamin E contains antioxidants that repair the damaged cells which will cause skin problems like acne breakouts, blackheads, and dark circles. It will repair the collagen and fades away the dark spots. It also helps with puffiness.


2 Vitamin E capsules

How to apply?

Prick open the vitamin e capsule using a sterile safety pin and squeeze out the oil into a bowl. Using your fingertips massage the oil under your eyes for some time. Let the oil sit on your skin for a couple of minutes and then rinse it off.


18. Pineapple facemask for Dark circles


pineapple and vitamin e capsules for dark circles and acne

Another effective home remedy to treat dark circles is by using natural home ingredients like Pineapple and Turmeric. Pineapples are enriched with Vitamin C, minerals, and antioxidants which help to fight against dark circles, puffy eye bags and to lighten the dark areas. [22] Turmeric which is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant, it lightens the skin by cleansing your skin.

  • Pineapple – 1/s slices
  • Turmeric -1/2 Tbsp
  • Vitamin E capsule – 1
How to prepare and apply?

To the blended pineapple chunks mix, add the other ingredients, and mix them well. Apply the mask to your face and neck area. Leave it for 20-30 minutes and wash off with warm water. You can use this mask once a week.


19. Milk and Baking Soda to treat Dark circles


baking soda shoot in studio
Image courtesy Flickr


  • 1 Tbsp Milk
  • 1/2 Baking soda
  • Vitamin E capsule
How to prepare and apply?

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl into a smooth paste. Apply gently to the area under the eyes and leave it on for a couple of minutes. Then rinse off with lukewarm water. Repeat this treatment once a week.


20. Oatmeal Facemask for Acne treatment


oatmeal for acne

Oatmeal and coconut oil are an ideal choice to fight with acne. It’s loaded with antioxidants that will help to undo the damage done to your skin by environmental pollutions, chemicals, and dust particles. It’s antioxidant and cleansing properties will keep your skin fresh and rejuvenated by clearing out the oils, grime or dirt from clogged pores. Alongside the healing properties, oats will moisturize your skin. Coconut oil with antibacterial and antifungal properties is also ideal for treating acne.

  • Oatmeal – 3 Tbsp
  • Coconut oil – 1 Tbsp
  • Vitamin E capsule – 1
How to prepare and apply?

Scoop oatmeal into a bowl and add all the other ingredients including water to make a smooth paste. Apply the mix to your face and let it sit for 15 minutes. Finally, rinse off the mask with cool water and pat dry.


21. Avocado and Vitamin E mask for acne


avocado for acne treatment

Avocados loaded with vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids will benefit your skin in many ways. The outermost layer of your skin will absorb all the nutrients from avocados and will make your skin moisturized and nourished. The avocado keeps your skin hydrated always which is the sole reason why it reduces the risk of acne. The anti-inflammatory properties will reduce the redness and scarring of acne. [23]

  • Avocado
  • Vitamin E capsule Oil
How to prepare and apply?

Remove the pit and skin of an avocado and mash it in a bowl. To that add vitamin e oil and mix well. Apply the mask and let it dry for 15 minutes. Later, wash your face with warm water and pat dry.

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Up to the very end, these are the 21 face masks with Vitamin e capsules for skin whitening, dark circles, acne, and other skin problems. Do try these masks and let us know your experience with these amazing masks.


Also Read:

Last update on 2025-02-20 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API


  1. Vallerie Torkwase March 15, 2021 at 7:56 am

    Tanx for this information but pls which of the face mask is the best for oily skin

    1. divya paladugu March 15, 2021 at 10:58 pm

      You can use tomato or turmeric + vitamin e face packs.

  2. Angira Kashyap May 11, 2021 at 11:33 pm

    Where can I buy the vitamin e capsule?

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