Military Diet Substitutions | List of Substitutes that make you lose weight in a week

Military diet is one of the most popular and successful diet plans over the past years. This diet is not a typical military people’s diet but it was claimed that this diet plan was designed by nutritionists to help the soldiers get fit.

Military diet or well-known  3-day diet is based on consuming fewer calories, less fat and more proteins. Therefore, this diet claims to make you lose up to 10 pounds within a week.

Nevertheless, some people don’t like the complete list of groceries or a few of them that are recommended in this diet plan. So, before getting into the grocery list or military diet substitutions, let’s get to know what the diet is, how it works and for whom this diet is recommended?

Table of Contents

  1. What is the Military Diet?
  2. How does the Military Diet plan work?
  3. Who will need the Military Diet substitutions?
  4. Military Diet Substitutions List

What is the Military Diet?


what is military diet

This weight loss diet involves a 3-day meal plan. You must strictly follow the diet plan for 3 days and the rest of the days are off. That said, you must not pig out meals but you can eat anything in certain limits. Likewise, the cycle of 3-day meal plan continues until you hit your goal weight.

This meal plan has several names such as Ice cream diet, Army diet and Navy diet. The most interesting part about this diet plan is, it’s simple and easy to follow.

The military diet suggests consuming fewer calories to lose weight quickly within a week. Despite, this diet may not be a favourite for everyone because of its limits and restrictions. However, if you’re desperate to lose weight you’d love any diet plan that works well.

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How does this diet plan work?


how does military diet plan work_

The 3-day military diet plan is basically split into 2 phases over a period of 7 days. For the first three days of the week, you must strictly follow this military diet plan for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You’ve no options to have snacks in between. The total calorie intake during these 3 days must be around 1,100 to 1,400.

The remaining 4 days of the week, you can eat anything and everything which is low in calories and healthy.

The advantage of this diet plan is that it includes foods that will keep you fuller for a long time when compared to other diet plans. Therefore, you will not feel hungry between the three meals and all your cravings will be lost. This makes this diet plan ideal to lose weight in a very short period.

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Who will need these military diet substitutions?


who will need these military diet substitutions

Although the military diet is a perfect diet plan it’s not suitable for all set of people. Some people might dislike the list of foods recommended by this diet plan whilst some others perhaps be vegans. As this diet plan recommends eating non-vegetarian and dairy food items, the vegans don’t want to follow this military diet plan. Such people would like to go for substitutes accordingly to their preferences. So, these substitutions are all about personal choices.

However, swapping foods doesn’t mean you can replace a particular food item with a portion of similar food but the calories must be in the same quantity. Below is a list for who will need these military diet substitutions.

  • Vegetarians – There are several food items in this diet plan that are not for vegetarians such as Hot dogs, Meat, Fish and dairy food items. So, all the vegetarians can make their own diet plan according to their preferences and with the same calories.
  • Lactose intolerance – People who are allergic to all the dairy food items like cheese and milk can always opt for substitutions. Also, other sets of people who are allergic to any foods listed in the military diet can go for substitutes for a good reason.
  • Gluten-free – Are you gluten intolerant? Don’t worry you’ve substitutions for bread as well.


Luckily, there are some substitutions for the foods you dislike and intolerant but yield the same results. Here’s the list of military diet substitutions you can opt for according to your eating preferences.

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Military Diet foods Substitutions list

When you’re making any food replacements do bother about calories but not the portions size. Though the portions size is not equal, calories of the substitutions must be equal to the foods you’re eliminating from the food list.

Now, let’s quickly look into the military foods substitutions which you would love to try.


1. Grapefruit

Substitutes for Grapefruit

Grapefruit has no fat burning properties but it can be a part of a healthy weight loss diet since it’s a nutritious fruit. A glass of grapefruit juice before a meal can help you with weight loss as it has fewer calories and fills you up. [1]

Furthermore, grapefruit has alkaline and acidity producing agents. They help in maintaining the pH levels of the body.

However, most of the people dislike eating grapefruit for several reasons. They might not like to savour the taste or for reasons like grapefruit is not available in most of the places. So, you can replace half a grapefruit with a half teaspoon of baking soda in the water. Stir both the ingredients till they get combined and then drink the solution. If the taste doesn’t linger your taste buds then you can add stevia to improve the taste. But do not add sugar because it’s high in calories. Both baking soda and grapefruit are alkaline which helps to combat with the fat accumulated in your body. [2][3]

Remember to not substitute grapefruit with orange or any other citrus fruits as they might show up reverse effects on your body.

Military diet substitutions for Grapefruit:
  • Baking soda with water



2. Coffee

Substitutes for coffee

Coffee is one of the natural substance which has been proven to curb appetite. There are several studies which show that caffeine can boost metabolism and increase the fat burning rate by 10% in obese people and by 29% in lean people. [4][5]

Consuming coffee in the morning by following this military diet plan is nothing a bad idea. The only reason behind substitutions for black coffee is because of its taste. [6]

So, instead of a black coffee, you can look for healthier options such as Green tea or any herbal teas. In that case, you must have 2 cups of Green tea as a substitution to 1 cup of black coffee.  Most importantly, don’t add sugar or cream to your coffee to improve the taste because they’re high in calories. However, you can add non-fat milk and calorie-free creams which are very low in calories. If you want to add a sweet flavour to your coffee, you can add a sugar-free sweetener like Stevia.

Military diet substitutions for coffee:
  • Green Tea
  • Herbal Teas
  • Use Sweeteners like Stevia

[Read: Why, when and how to drink Coffee according to nutritionists?]



3. Peanut Butter

Substitutes for peanut butter Not everyone will crave for Peanut butter. Yes, there are people who hate it or allergic to it. Either way, there are plenty of options to swap peanut butter. You can substitute peanut butter with any type of seeds or nuts butter such as Almond butter, Sunflower seed, Soy, Pumpkin, Pistachio butter, etc. The nutrient or calorie content of these jars of butter is similar to peanut butter. So, you will get maximum benefits from these kinds of butter as well.

However, if you’re allergic to all the nuts or seeds, still you’ve options to replace. You can substitute with other healthy and organic food items such as 1/4 cup Hummus, 1/2 an Avocado or a tablespoon of Olive oil.

Military diet substitutes for Peanut Butter: 
  • Almond butter
  • Sunflower seed butter
  • Soy butter
  • Pumpkin butter
  • Hummus
  • Avocado
  • Olive oil


4. Canned Tuna

Substitutes for Tuna

Sounds fishy! Smells fishy! There are a lot of people who are not fish lovers. They don’t feel like eating a fish dish especially a canned tuna. Whilst, some people are allergic to tuna and some people might not like tuna just because its water packed. And the vegetarians obviously need a substitution for tuna. Whatever the reason, you must lose 10 pounds in a week time.

If you don’t like the fishy smell or water-packed tuna you can substitute it with a grilled sushi grade tuna, boneless chicken breast, low-fat meat and tofu. Grilled sushi tuna with minimum fat will taste better compared to canned tuna. For vegetarians, tofu is the best substitute as its full of protein.

For day 1, a canned tuna substitution can be 2-3 ounces of boneless chicken breast or any other lean meat source. On day 3, you must have 5 ounces of low-fat meat product. And if you’re a vegetarian, you can replace 1/2 cup of tuna with the same amount of tofu. You can also eat a handful of nuts like almonds or peanuts with tofu to obtain all the nutrients and calories. [7]

Military diet substitutes for Tuna:
  • Grilled sushi grade tuna
  • Boneless chicken breast
  • Low-fat meat
  • Tofu


5. Cottage cheese or Cheddar cheese

Substitutes for cheese

Cottage cheese is another most disliked food on the military diet plan list. It is an essential food item in the list because it’s low in calories, low in fat and high in proteins. Despite that, most of the dislike cottage cheese and some people perhaps are lactose intolerant.

Well, most of the people think cottage cheese has many substitutions in both dairy and non-dairy food items to help with weight loss but you can swap it for cheddar or mozzarella.

Cottage cheese is a milk product with an ample of proteins, calcium and low-fat whereas Cheddar cheese soft and white lumpy cheese which is made from the curds of skimmed milk. It is basically a small component of this military diet.

So, you can replace the cottage and cheddar cheese with plain yoghurt or greek yoghurt. The other substitutions for cottage cheese are ricotta cheese and ham. Ricotta cheese contains the same amount of protein and calories as cottage cheese, so you don’t require to change the serving portions while substituting with cottage cheese. While using ham, use 1/2 cottage cheese and while using eggs, replace with 2 whole eggs and 2 egg whites. In such a case, these food items also provide you with the same amounts of nutrients, proteins and calories.

Military diet substitutions for Cheese:
  • Plain Yogurt
  • Greek Yogurt
  • Ricotta Cheese
  • Ham
  • Eggs


6. Military diet substitutions for Eggs

Substitutes for eggs

Eggs are the perfect food items for breakfast. There a wide variety of egg dishes which people love to tuck in. They’re the healthiest foods to eat in the military diet plan because eggs are rich in high-quality protein, essential vitamins and healthy fats. [8]

Although, some people don’t want to eat eggs while most of the people would crave for them. The reasons for avoiding egg might be like the person is vegetarian, intolerant to eggs or simply the person perhaps doesn’t like the taste.

The best substitutes for eggs can be tuna, chicken, turkey, ham, milk, bacon or nuts. These foods provide you with similar nutrients and calories to curb appetite and help you lose weight quickly. However, they will be a slight change in the portion sizes of these food products to equal the calorie and nutritional value of eggs. A whole egg contains 80 calories, so you can replace it with a cup of milk, 1/2 cup tuna, a chicken wing, 2 slices of bacon or 1/4th cup of any nuts. [9]

Military diet substitutions for Eggs:
  • Tuna
  • Chicken
  • Ham
  • Turkey breast
  • Bacon
  • Milk


7. Hot dog substitutions

Substitutes for hotdog

Well, I was wondering how can a hot dog be included in a diet plan since it’s a junk food as per nutritional standards. To my surprise, it has been proven that hot dogs will not affect your body negatively like increasing too much body fat. Even though, hot dogs are not considered as a healthy option because they’re high in nitrates and that is obviously bad for your body. This is the reason why people want to replace hot dog with a healthy substitution.

Some of the amazing hot dog substitutions could be beans, tofu dogs, lentils, luncheon meat, baloney meat, bratwurst, soy dogs and portobello mushrooms. The calories provided by a hot dog is approximately 150 – 270 calories, and you can replace it with a vegetarian substitute or you can simply go with other healthier meat options which don’t contain preservatives.

Again, the portions sizes may vary according to the calories of the food items. To replace two hot dogs, you will need to substitute it with 100-120 grams of baloney, 70-75 grams of deli meat and 70 grams of luncheon meat. If you want to replace one hot dog then you need to consume half of these required amounts. While vegetarians can replace the hot dogs with several other vegetarian options such as tofu dogs, lentils, beans or soy dogs. These food items contain a different calorific value, so you must consume the right amounts to meet the calories and nutrients provided by a hot dog. For 2 hot dogs, you can consume 180 grams of tofu dog or soy dog, 220 grams of lentils, 550 grams of portobello mushrooms and 80 grams of beans.

Military diet substitutes for Hot dog:
  • Beans
  • Tofu dog
  • Lentils
  • Luncheon meat
  • Baloney meat
  • Portobello mushrooms
  • Soy dog
  • Beans


8. Saltine Crackers

Substitutes for saltine crackers

Though saltine crackers are a small part of this military diet they might seem boring for some people. Of course, we don’t want to munch on the same kind of savouries again and again.

These saltine crackers can be replaced with multigrain, whole-grain and gluten-free crackers, cereals and a toast. Saltine crackers provide around 12-13 calories, so the perfect replacement of these crackers can be rice cakes.

In this military diet, you need to consume 5 saltine crackers in one serving. As a substitution to that, you need to munch on 1 toast, 130 grams of whole-grain cereal and 16 grams of rice cakes which will provide you with the same amount of calories.


9. Bread

Substitutes for bread

Some people might not prefer to have a bite of bread for several reasons. They might not prefer eating gluten foods or some people might be allergic to loaves of bread. Whatsoever, you’re allergic to any particular grain try to replace it with another grain. [10]

Try not to eat multi-grain bread because they contain a mix of various grains which you might be allergic. Instead, go for a single grain bread. If you’re allergic to the yeast in bread, there are also slices of bread in the markets produced by natural fermentation without using yeast.

In the case, if you don’t want to incorporate bread in the military diet food list you can replace it with flax seeds, sunflower seeds, cereals, protein granola and rice cakes.

Military diet substitutions for Bread:
  • Flax seeds
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Cereals
  • Protein Granola
  • Rice cakes


10. Vanilla Ice cream

Substitutes for vanilla ice cream

“I scream, you scream and we all scream for Ice cream”. Who could avoid an ice cream? But sadly, the sinusitis problem, viral flu’s or any tooth problems make us stay away from the scrumptious ice cream. There also vegans who don’t want to rely on dairy products. Don’t worry you have alternatives to swap ice cream with some healthy and nutritious options.

You can replace vanilla ice cream with apple juice, almond milk, coconut milk and strawberry or any flavoured yoghurt. For 1 cup of Vanilla ice cream, replace with a cup of coconut, 3 cups of almond milk, 9 oz strawberry or any fruit yoghurt.

Military diet substitutions for Vanilla ice cream:
  • Apple Juice
  • Almond milk
  • Coconut milk
  • Strawberry Yoghurt

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Don’t find substitutions for these food items

 Never find any substitutes for Banana, Broccoli, Carrots and Green Beans while following the military diet plan. Though you dislike the taste of any of these veggies or fruits you must not avoid eating them. These are the best organic and healthy food items to include in your diet plan for a healthy weight loss.

Bananas are rich in fibre content and low in calories. They play a vital role in maintaining digestive health. Although, many people have a misconception that banana can make them gain weight. But consuming a banana with a pinch of cinnamon early in the morning can actually help you lose weight. [11]

Eating high fibres and good carbs can aid with weight loss. Broccoli is enriched with fibre that helps with digestion, constipation, curbs appetite and maintains low blood sugar. [12]

You will not gain weight on consuming carrots or green beans. Indeed, it helps with weight loss because they’re naturally low in calories and full of nutrients. Consuming carrots, broccoli, green beans are vital for maintaining a healthy body. [13]



Military diet is a great diet plan to lose weight in a healthy way and with your favourite food items like ice creams, hot dogs and saltine crackers. Also, it’s one of the instant weight loss diet plan to lose pounds in a week. You don’t really need substitutions unless you’re intolerant to the food items in the military diet list. The more you swap foods, the less effective the diet plan becomes.

Caution: If you’re on any medication and want to follow this diet, consult a doctor to ensure that all the food items in the military diet list will not show up any negative effects on your body.

Over to you!

Do you have any questions regarding the substitutions? Please let us know by commenting below.


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