22 Natural Ways to get thinner cheeks from chubby cheeks
When we are kids we love to have chubby cheeks and a dimpled chin. However, as we grew we started to flaunt ourselves with a thin and sleek face. Who doesn’t want to have a celebrity kind of face?
Although that doesn’t mean chubby cheeks give you unappealing look. Certainly, chubby cheeks add glow and charm to face but fuller faces are actually stored with fat.
So, probably sculpted cheekbones and jawline are preferable to give the shape you desire.
After all, it’s the efforts we put in each day to acquire that star like face.
A bloated face is acquired as the body gains weight. Having said that, the two main factors – Improper diet plan and Exercise are the sole reasons to bloated face.
In order to tone your face and get a sculpted look follow up these tips.
How to make your cheeks thinner?
1. Cut down on salty foods
Basically, the foods which are high in salt content will retain water in various parts of the body including cheeks.
This retention of water makes the cheeks look puffy like puff fish.
However, you need not completely cut down on salty foods because sodium is also an essential nutrient in the body. You just need to consume such foods in moderation.
If you consume more than the required quantity, it leads to certain adverse health issues. Also, the excess salt will add more fat and weight in your face.
So, go with less salt content foods instead of foods which make you bloated.
2. Hydrate yourself
It may seem counterintuitive but water can remove water. Hydration is an essential step to take off excess water from the body parts.
Drinking more water can remove toxins from the body that may be a source for extra water storage. If you are dehydrated your body retains water and stores it in eyes or cheeks thereby making them puffy or bloated.
When you drink more water sodium levels get diluted in the bloodstream. So as your body doesn’t need to store water further.
Drink at least 7 to 8 litres of water per day to remove excess water from the body causing retention and to slim the cheeks.
3. No alcohol consumption
Alcohol is your biggest enemy to dry out your skin completely. Alcohol consumption can dehydrate your body and cause water retention and puffiness.
It makes you gain weight all over the body including the cheeks.
Replace these alcoholic beverages with natural drinks or smoothies for health benefits as well as weight loss.
So, either cut the consumption of alcoholic beverages completely or limit yourself to a drink per day in order to get rid of chubby cheeks.
4. Excess caffeine
Like alcoholic beverages, excess intake of caffeine can also dry out your skin.
Of course, we coffee lovers are so much tempted to drink several cups of coffee in a day. But that leads to dehydration which can cause water retention and bloat.
Limit the number of cups you drink per day to reduce cheeks.
[Read: How much coffee to drink in a day]
5. Perfect diet plan
High intake of processed foods, carbs, condiments and fatty foods can put on more weight to your body including cheeks.
Follow a balanced diet that constitutes nutrients, good fats, vitamins, good carbs, fibres, minerals and proteins in equal proportions.
A balanced diet pumps energy and also cuts down the fat throughout the body.
So, to get rid of cheekbones and also live a healthy life healthy eating is essential.
[Read: Perfect diet plan for glowing skin and healthy body]
6. Contour & Blush

Time to ace the art of makeup. We definitely cannot go wrong with this.
Contour with a matte powder that’s one shade darker than your skin and then highlight your face with a blush. Viola! What do we need more than this great cheek slimming hack?
Lightly shade the jawbone and sides of the nose. Finally, apply a hint of blush on your cheeks.
Don’t apply much of the product. Keep it light and natural looking.
7. Big exaggerated smile

Smiling is a great facial exercise. The wider and wider you smile, the more muscles get stretched.
Close your lips tightly and smile widely for about 10 mins. Finally, free your lips.
Doing so repeatedly can help you to slim down the cheeks and uplift the face muscles because stretching can lose the fats of cheeks.
8.Detox Herbal Teas
Herbal teas can have excellent antimicrobial properties that can heal most of the health issues like heart diseases, diabetes, cancer and help with weight loss.
There are many detox teas such as Ginger tea, Green tea, Oolong tea, Black tea and white tea that contain antioxidants called “flavonoids”. These antioxidants are responsible to flush away the toxins and help with weight loss.
Also, tea contains less caffeine. So these can be the best weight loss supplements to reduce cheeks.
You can drink up to 2 cups of tea a day.
9. Blow a balloon

Besides to a wide smile, blowing balloons is also a perfect way to slim down cheeks as they get expand as you blow.
Blow as many balloons as you can by filling in the air into a balloon and releasing it. Repeat this exercise as much as you can because when you blow a balloon your face muscles get expanded. Consequently, after few weeks your cheeks will get reduced greatly.
10. Chew a gum
Chewing a gum is also the best exercise to tone and slim down cheeks. While you chew a gum, all the muscles get activated and will cut the calories from cheeks.
Chewing something for a long time can cut down fat muscles and hence you can acquire your desired sculpted look.
Face exercises for cheeks
11. Tongue stretches
This is one of the amazing exercises to lose chubby cheeks. You can hang the tongue out in upward, downward, horizontal and vertical directions giving a quirky pose.
Stretching the muscles will not just reduce cheek fat but it also improves the flexibility.
Strech your tongue as much as you can till it touches the chin, sides of cheek or nose and finally relax after 10 secs.
Repeat this posture 10 times every day for sharp jawlines and sculpted cheekbones.
12. Cheekbone massage
Massaging cheekbones is the best way to get rid of cheek fat. While you massage cheeks, the muscles and cheeks get tightened.
It also promotes good blood flow to cheeks so that any water accumulated in that area will be cleared.
Apply few drops of oil to cheeks and start massaging with circular strokes for five to ten minutes.
Tada! No more water retention and cheek fat.
13. Workout to lose weight in cheeks
Whatever you eat it shows up on your body. If your body gains weight also your cheeks do gain some weight.
You need to have a concern about proper intake of food and sufficient exercise for your body to tone shape of the body.
A proper workout can make you lose weight by cutting the calories and burning fats. In order, to workout, you need not be a gym rat. You can do the beginners exercises at home itself.
[Read: Beginners exercises for weight loss at home]
14. Fishy face
Woah! Who doesn’t know this? Every single day this is probably the expression we carry on our face to take crazy selfies. But we never imagined the benefits of this fishy face.
This facial exercise can burn fats in cheeks as you suck in the cheeks. Hold on to this position for 10 secs and then relax.
Do repeat this facial exercise 5-10 times every day.
15. Recite vowels
Articulate a song with vowels if you can. Saying vowels out loud is also the best exercise to stretch cheekbones.
Start reciting the letter A with a wide mouth. Then follow up the sequence E, I, O, and U. Repeat 10 times a day.
16. Uplift your face
This movement can improve blood circulation and in this way, it reduces water retention from cheeks.
Firstly take few droplets of oil onto your palm and massage it all over your face. Then with your palms on the cheeks do upward strokes for 10 mins.
This exercise can slimmer your cheeks faster.
17. Jawline massage
Jawline massage defines jawlines and relaxes the jaw muscles. To get a perfectly sharp jawline follow this massage.
Apply oil all over your face. Starting from the chin area, put both your hand’s fists on the chin and move upwards along the jawline to back of the ear.
Repeat this exercise for 10 times.
How to reduce face fat home remedies
18. Ice cube hack
Apparently, ice cubes can greatly burn lots of calories from the body. Eventually, ice cubes drain out an excess of water in cheeks caused by water retention.
You just need to rub a pack of ice cubes on cheeks until they melt away.
19. Hot towel therapy
Steaming up face can produce sweat on your face that reduces facial fat. It will wet your cheeks and prevent water retention.
Boil some water in a pan. Let it cool down for a while and then dip a towel into hot water. Squeeze out water from the towel and rub around the chubby cheeks. Repeat this 5-10 times.
20. Egg whites
Egg whites contain vitamin A. Its helps to reduce redness and chubby cheeks.
Whisk egg whites and blend with honey and lemon juice. Apply to your face and leave it on for 15-20 mins.
Finally, rinse off with lukewarm water.
21. Lemon juice
Lemons contain vitamin C that has antioxidant properties. It tightens the skin and stops the accumulation of water in cheeks.
Squeeze a lemon into a bowl. Dip a cotton pad and rub on the fatty areas. Rinse off your face in 5-10 mins.
Also, you can take foods rich in vitamin c which can flush out toxins from your body.
22. Cucumber mask
The cooling effect of cucumbers can reduce any swelling or face fat.
Cut slices of cucumber and refrigerate them for 30 minutes. Later, rub over the bloated areas.
Cucumbers also give a natural and refreshed look. You can apply this facemask daily.
Yoga to make cheeks slimmer
Courtesy – Blush with me-Parmita
All these are the natural ways to reduce cheek fat. You can try them whenever possible. These exercises and other methods may seem quite simple but to obtain results it may take a week or several weeks of time. Follow them consistently and with patience to acquire your desired results.
If you follow these methods religiously they can lose chubby cheeks and tone up your face. These natural methods also enhance skin’s elasticity and offer youthful radiance.
Do try and please leave your valuable suggestions below in the comment box.
Also Read:
- Best Exercises to Reduce Belly Fat at Home
- Home Remedies to make your Nose Smaller and Pointer
- Perfect Diet Plan for Glowing Skin
- 13 DIY Ice Cube Facks for Skin Whitening
This was a great in depth article. I have been been practicing yoga, but struggling with a chubby face and looking for solution since long. Looking forward to try these hacks you have suggested. Thanks!
Hope they work for you.