19 Most Effective Essential Oils for Acne – How to use?
Acne has been the most disrupting skin problem for a large number of people.
Of course, there are many ways to get rid of such annoying dots and scars on the skin. Despite that, one of the most effective treatments to diminish acne is using Essential oils.
Essential oils can work wonderfully on the skin to alleviate the major skin problems such as acne, scars, blackheads, and much more.
Can it be really possible?
Absolutely yes without a doubt if you stay with perseverance for the results.
Well, stick to the article up to the very end in order to find out how effective essential oils are for treating acne and how to use essential oils for acne?
Benefits of Essential Oils for Acne
Essential oils are compounds extracted from plants that retain the natural smell or flavor of the plants.
Essential oils are obtained through different methods like distillation, mechanical process, and chemical process.
These essential oils obtained through chemical ways are not considered as true essential oils. So, the way how oils are obtained or extracted is very important.
Note: Always check for the essential oils based on purity, quality, and reputation. High-quality oils will use pure plant compounds that are extracted by distillation or cold pressing. Besides, avoid the oils that have been diluted with chemicals, other oils, and synthetic fragrances. [1]
1. They’re Antifungal
Essential oils have antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties that kill the acne-causing bacteria. These properties of essential oils will exfoliate dead skin cells and unclog the pores filled with excess oils, dead skin, bacteria, and dirt. There’s a study that confirmed that some of the essential oils are active against fungi and can inhibit their growth. [2]
2. They’ve Anti-inflammatory properties
There are heaps of essential oils that have anti-inflammatory properties to help reduce and relieve inflammation or redness. They also boost essential nutrients into the skin to alleviate many skin problems. Rosemary oil is one of the best essential oil that can reduce skin inflammation and boost circulation. [3]
3. Essential oils contain Antioxidants
Almost all the essential oils contain antioxidants. Thereby they will have the ability to balance hormones which can be the main cause of acne. The topical application of essential oils can protect your skin from harmful free radicals. [4]
4. Essential oils for acne
There are studies and trials which prove essential oils such as tea tree oil has helped in reducing inflammation caused by acne. The effective properties of essential oils can make them act against a wide range of bacteria. [5]
Now, the big question is what are the best essential oils for acne and how to use them to reduce acne.
There are heaps of essential oils available in the markets. All the oils may not suit every skin type. Some may lead to adverse effects while some may heal your skin problems. So, choose the essential oils wisely according to your skin type. Most importantly, avoid the oils that have been diluted with chemicals, synthetic fragrances, and other oils. Also, don’t forget to do a patch test to ensure the oil suits your skin type.
What are the best Essential oils for Acne?
- Tea Tree Oil
- Thyme essential oil
- Clary Sage oil
- Rosemary essential oil
- Eucalyptus oil
- Lemon essential oil
- Basil essential oil
- Juniper berry oil
- Frankincense essential oil
- Bergamot oil
- Lavender essential oil
- Sandalwood oil
- Rose essential oil
- Chamomile essential oil
- Cinnamon essential oil
- Oregano oil
- Geranium oil
- Peppermint oil
- Marula essential oil
How to use Essential oils for Acne?
Since essential oils are concentrated plant chemicals, they may be harsh on your skin. Therefore, you might need to dilute it with carrier oils. The carrier oils are usually unscented plant oils. Instead, you can also dilute essential oils with water. Additionally, read the directions before applying any essential oils to your skin.
1. Tea Tree essential oil for acne
Though some people are skeptical about using tea tree essential oil for acne, it’s actually considered as the best oils for acne treatment. It contains antibacterial and antiseptic properties that can heal acne over time. Tea tree oil can also reduce inflammation and prevents acne by killing acne-causing bacteria. Moreover, tea tree oil exfoliates the dead skin cells with its antioxidant properties and unclogs the pores filled with dirt, excess oils and bacteria. [6]
There were few studies and clinical trials conducted by comparing tea tree oil with benzoyl peroxide. People who used tea tree oil were diagnosed with fewer skin discomforts compared to those who used benzoyl peroxide. [7]

Tea tree essential oil for acne Recipe
You’ll need:
- 2-3 drops of Tea tree oil
- Water
- Q-tip or cotton pad
Simply mix few drops of tea tree oil with water so as dilute the oil. Using a Q-tip or cotton pad, dip in the oil solution and dab onto the acne-affected areas. You can leave it on for a couple of hours before washing it. Repeat this treatment on alternate days before hitting the bed.
2. Thyme essential oil for acne
Besides cooking, thyme oil can also be used as a topical treatment. Several studies have shown that thyme essential oil is effective in fighting acne-causing bacteria. This natural oil can make your skin get rid of acne better than benzoyl peroxide without any side effects. Furthermore, when thyme essential oil is mixed with carrier oils, it can soothe the redness, reduce scarring and heals the skin.
A new study claimed that herbal preparation of thyme oil might be more effective for treating acne because of its antibacterial properties when compared with other remedies. [8]
Thyme essential oil recipe for acne
You’ll need:
- 12 drops of Thyme essential oil
- 4-5 drops of Rose hydrosol
Mix few drops of thyme essential oil with the rose hydrosol so as dilute the oil. Using a Q-tip or cotton pad, dip in the oil solution and dab onto the acne-affected areas. You can leave it on for a couple of hours before washing it. Repeat this treatment on alternate days before hitting the bed.
3. Clary Sage essential oil for acne
Clary sage which is similar to the culinary sage is extremely effective for fighting the acne-causing bacteria. This natural oil has excellent anti-inflammatory properties which reduce skin inflammation, skin irritations, and acne.
A study on the effectiveness of clary sage tested that it halts the growth of bacteria and supports hormonal imbalance. [9]
Clary sage essential oil for acne Recipe
You’ll need:
- 5-10 drops of clary sage essential oil
- 50 ml of any carrier oil
Mix few drops of clary sage essential oil with any carrier oil so as dilute the solution. Using a Q-tip or cotton pad, dip in the oil solution and dab onto the acne-affected areas. You can leave it on for a couple of hours before washing it. Repeat this treatment on alternate days before hitting the bed.
4. Rosemary essential oil for acne
Rosemary oil is enriched with compounds that prevent fungal growth. It has powerful antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that fight off with acne-causing bacteria. Rosemary oil penetrates your skin and unblocks the sebaceous glands on your face thus reducing acne. [10] [11]
Rosemary essential oil recipe for acne
You’ll need:
- 5-10 drops Rosemary oil
- Few drops of Rosewater
- 1/2 Tsp Green tea powder
Mix all the ingredients in a bowl to a paste-like consistency. Using a Q-tip or cotton pad, dip in the oil solution and dab onto the acne-affected areas. You can leave it on for a couple of hours before washing it. Repeat this treatment thrice or twice a week before taking a bath.
5. Eucalyptus essential oil for acne
Eucalyptus oil has powerful medicinal properties. This oil inhibits the sebum production on your skin and the growth of bacteria which is responsible for acne. It reduces the amount of sebum production by decreasing the size of sebaceous glands. This helps to diminish acne. The antibacterial properties in eucalyptus oil can also heal scars and prevents the formation of acne. [12]
Eucalyptus essential oil for acne Recipe
You’ll need:
- 7-10 drops Eucalyptus oil
- 4 Tbsps Aloe Vera Gel
Mix all the ingredients in a bowl to a paste-like consistency. Using a Q-tip or cotton pad, dip in the oil solution and dab onto the acne-affected areas. You can leave it on for a couple of hours before washing it. Repeat this treatment every night before going to bed.
6. Lemon Essential oil for acne
Lemon essential oil with the antimicrobial properties, it’s the best oil to treat acne-prone skin. The antimicrobial properties are responsible to eliminate acne-causing bacteria by unclogging the pores. [13] It acts as a natural astringent that cleanses the pores, dries out acne and makes the skin smoother. As it also has the capability to control excess oils, lemon oil is great for oily skin. [14] [15]
Lemon oil has vitamin C that reduces dark spots. The citric and acidic properties of a lemon act as a chemical exfoliant that removes the dead skin cells and excess oils.

Lemon essential oil for acne Recipe
You’ll need:
- 5-10 drops of lemon essential oil
- 5-10 drops of Lavender oil
- 3 Tbsp Honey
- 2 Tbsp Yogurt
Mix all the ingredients in a bowl into a smooth paste. Apply the mix over the acne-affected areas. Leave it on for 30 minutes and wash off. Repeat this treatment thrice every week for effective results.
7. Basil essential oil for acne
A study published in the journal of cosmetic science found that the extracts of basil essential oil can eliminate bacteria and germs that cause, inflammation, acne or skin infections. The antimicrobial properties of basil essential oil are highly effective in controlling acne. [16]
Basil oil contains linoleic acid that has anti-inflammatory properties. It helps in soothing the swelling or inflammation in the acne-affected areas.
Basil essential oil for acne recipe
You’ll need:
- 5 drops of Basil essential oil
- 2 Tbsps of Aloe vera gel
Mix both the ingredients in a bowl to a paste-like consistency. Using a Q-tip or cotton pad, dip in the oil solution and dab onto the acne-affected areas. You can leave it on for a couple of hours before washing it. Repeat this treatment every night before going to bed.
8. Juniper Berry essential oil for acne
This essential oil is known for its antimicrobial, antiseptic and antibacterial properties. It’s a natural remedy to detoxify the skin, fight acne, acne scars, and other infections. Studies have shown that the mild astringent properties of juniper berry oil act a potent solution when applied topically. Whereas, the detoxifying properties of juniper berry oil will flush out the toxins causing acne. [17] [18]
Juniper berry essential oil for acne recipe
You’ll need:
- 3-4 drops of Juniper berry essential oil
- 2 Tbsps Aloe vera Gel
Mix both the ingredients in a bowl to a paste-like consistency. Using a Q-tip or cotton pad, dip in the oil solution and dab onto the acne-affected areas. You can leave it on for a couple of hours before washing it. Repeat this treatment every night before going to bed.
9. Frankincense essential oil for acne
This essential oil has great astringent, anti-inflammatory properties that soothe inflamed acne cools down the irritated skin, and eliminates acne. Not just that, it dries out acne and reduces the appearance of wrinkles or fine lines. Frankincense essential oil is a powerful antiseptic, antibacterial, and anti-fungal essential oil that fights acne-causing bacteria and it can help prevent acne. [19] [20]
Excessive oil production can also be the sole reason for the formation of acne. This oil is very effective in controlling oily or greasy skin. [21]
Frankincense essential oil for acne Recipe
You’ll need:
- 4-5 drops Frankincense essential oil
- 3 Tbps Aloe vera gel
Mix both the ingredients in a bowl to a paste-like consistency. Using a Q-tip or cotton pad, dip in the oil solution and dab onto the acne-affected areas. You can leave it on for a couple of hours before washing it. Repeat this treatment thrice a month.
10. Bergamot essential oil for acne
Bergamot essential oil is primarily known for acne-fighting properties. This citrus-based essential oil reduces blemishes, acne, and scars. [22]
Several studies claimed that inhaling bergamot oil can alleviate stress and anxiety levels that trigger acne breakouts. The essential properties in this oil will help with disinfecting the skin by removing impurities, dirt, dead skin and excess oils that clog the pores. [23]
Bergamot essential oil for acne Recipe
You’ll need:
- 5 drops of Bergamot essential oil
- 5 drops of Tea tree oil
- 3 Tbsps Aloe vera gel
Mix all the ingredients in a bowl into a smooth paste. Apply the mix over the acne-affected areas. Leave it on for 30 minutes and wash off. Repeat this treatment thrice every week for effective results.
11. Lavender essential oil for acne
It has been proven that Lavender essential oil can improve skin conditions with its antibacterial properties. Perhaps stress can trigger acne. So, when you inhale lavender oil you can feel the calming effect on your skin. Lavender oil with its antibacterial properties, it can unclog the pores that are filled with dirt, grime, and dead skin layers. This oil can also boost the blood flow to the skin tissues because it’s a circulatory stimulant. [24]
Lavender essential oil for acne Recipe
You’ll need:
- 10 drops of Lavender essential oil
- Water
Simply mix few drops of Lavender oil with water so as dilute the oil. Using a Q-tip or cotton pad, dip in the oil solution and dab onto the acne-affected areas. You can leave it on for a couple of hours before washing it. Repeat this treatment on alternate days before hitting the bed.
12. Sandalwood essential oil for acne
Sandalwood oil has astringent and antiseptic properties that can be extremely beneficial in treating acne. Indian sandalwood powder or essential oil is effective, especially for acne treatment. It gently fights the bacteria and unclogs the pores responsible for acne breakouts. A clinical trial has shown that sandalwood oil contains antiviral, bactericidal properties that can actually prevent acne from forming. [25]
Sandalwood essential for acne Recipe
You’ll need:
- 5 drops of sandalwood essential oil
- Any carrier oil
Simply mix few drops of sandalwood oil with any carrier oil of your choice so as dilute the oil. Using a Q-tip or cotton pad, dip in the oil solution and dab onto the acne-affected areas. You can leave it on for a couple of hours before washing it. Repeat this treatment twice a day before hitting the bed.
13. Rose essential oil for acne
Being highly antibacterial rose essential oil is the best remedy for acne treatment. It’s antioxidant, antiseptic and astringent properties make it the best natural remedy for acne breakouts, inflammation, and scarring. It’s also helpful in alleviating anxiety or stress levels which are the main cause of acne. [26]Furthermore, it keeps your skin soft and that’s the reason it’s widely used in most of the moisturizers.
Rose essential oil for acne Recipe
You’ll need:
- 10 drops of Rose essential oil
- 4 Tbsps Aloe vera Gel
Mix both the ingredients in a bowl to a paste-like consistency. Using a Q-tip or cotton pad, dip in the oil solution and dab onto the acne-affected areas. You can leave it on for a couple of hours before washing it. Repeat this treatment every day before going to bed.
14. Chamomile essential oil for acne
Chamomile is well-known for its impressive anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. It has also got antibacterial properties that help in reducing the visibility of acne, scars, pigmentation, blemishes, blackheads and other skin issues. [27]
Chamomile essential oil for acne Recipe
You’ll need:
- 5 drops of chamomile essential oil
- 2 Tbsp Aloe vera gel
- 30 ml Jojoba oil
Mix all the ingredients in a bowl into a smooth paste. Apply the mix over the acne-affected areas. Leave it on for 30 minutes and wash off. Repeat this treatment thrice every week for effective results.
15. Cinnamon essential oil for acne
With its anti-inflammatory properties cinnamon, the essential oil can be a perfect remedy for the acne-prone skin. When you massage your skin with cinnamon oil, it promotes blood circulation and supplies nutrients into the skin which improves the skin texture. [28]
Cinnamon essential oil for acne Recipe
You’ll need:
- 4 drops of cinnamon essential oil
- Water
Simply mix few drops of cinnamon oil with water so as dilute the oil. Using a Q-tip or cotton pad, dip in the oil solution and dab onto the acne-affected areas. You can leave it on for a couple of hours before washing it. Repeat this treatment twice or thrice a week for effective results.
16. Oregano essential oil for acne
Oregano oil is an excellent source to get rid of acne or zits. The natural antiseptic and antibacterial properties of oregano essential oil can make it a spot treatment for acne removal. It also contains anti-inflammatory properties that prevent and kills acne-causing bacteria. [29] [30]
However, ensure to dilute this oil before topically applying to your skin.
Oregano essential oil for acne Recipe
You’ll need:
- 5 drops of Oregano essential oil
- 4 drops of Tea tree oil
- 3 Tbsp of Aloe vera gel or rosewater
Simply mix all the ingredients in a bowl until they turn into a smooth consistency. Using a Q-tip or cotton pad, dip in the oil solution and dab onto the acne-affected areas. You can leave it on for a couple of hours before washing it. Repeat this treatment twice or thrice a week for effective results.
17. Geranium essential oil for acne
Geranium oil can boost skin health with its antibacterial, soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. With such incredible properties, this oil can balance sebum production and kills germs that cause acne breakouts or other skin problems. [31]
Geranium essential oil for acne Recipe
You’ll need:
- 5 drops of geranium essential oil
- 4 drops of tea tree oil
- Water
Simply mix both the oils and dilute with water. Using a Q-tip or cotton pad, dip in the oil solution and dab onto the acne-affected areas. You can leave it on for a couple of hours before washing it. Repeat this treatment twice or thrice a week for effective results.
18. Peppermint essential oil for acne
In particular, for acne treatments, peppermint essential oil can be a great solution. There are several kinds of research that prove that peppermint oil may assist in treating acne breakouts by promoting healthy skin. Also, the fatty acids in peppermint oil act as natural moisturizers that revitalize dry skin. Peppermint oil contains other beneficial nutrients to improve overall skin health. [32]

Peppermint essential oil for acne Recipe
You’ll need:
- 4 drops of Peppermint essential oil
- Water
Simply mix few drops of peppermint oil with water so as dilute the oil. Using a Q-tip or cotton pad, dip in the oil solution and dab onto the acne-affected areas. You can leave it on for a couple of hours before washing it. Repeat this treatment on alternate days before hitting the bed.
19. Marula essential oil for acne
This oil which has been derived from the nuts of Africa’s marula tree has antimicrobial elements that fight acne-causing bacteria. It’s a perfect solution for oily skin types because it’s lightweight and doesn’t clog pores. Instead, it helps in balancing out the skin’s oil production. There are a plethora of beauty products on the markets which have marula essential oil as an active ingredient because of its effective properties which can promote healthy skin.
Marula essential oil for acne Recipe
You’ll need:
- 4 drops of Marula essential oil
- Water
Simply mix few drops of Marula oil with water so as dilute the oil. Using a Q-tip or cotton pad, dip in the oil solution and dab onto the acne-affected areas. You can leave it on for a couple of hours before washing it. Repeat this treatment on alternate days before hitting the bed.
Precautions you need to take while using Essential oils
- Before the topical applications, always do a patch test to check whether the oil suits your skin type
- Never apply essential oils in or close to eyes. Sometimes even the vapors may be irritating.
- Don’t use essential oils on newborn babies without taking medical advice
- Since essential oils are concentrated liquids, it’s mandatory to dilute them with water or carrier oils
- Primarily, avoid the oils diluted with chemicals, synthetic fragrances or other oils
- Always read the directions and do research before applying essential oils to your skin
Essential oils are definitely blessing in disguise if you use them in the right way. They can not only cure acne but also will diminish many other skin and health issues.
Now I’d like to hear from you
What do you think about using essential oils for acne? and what’s your experience?
Let me know by leaving a comment below right now.
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