What is face mapping acne?What are Causes and Remedies of Acne?
Face mapping acne is a Chinese ancient medicine that tells about the association between acne and health problems. This may seem quite unreal, but apparently, the truth underlying behind Chinese medicine is the interconnection between the external and internal organs of the body.
According to Chinese face mapping skin analysis, whatever reactions occurring on the external organs of the body are due to some negative changes undergoing in the body.
Worrying about Acne or zits? Acne is the most common skin issues occurring to a massive set of people. The average percentage of people subjected to acne these days are in millions or billions. The reasons for the appearance of acne may be so many in number but you should understand what is Chinese face mapping acne? and how it’s associating acne with health problems?
Have you ever wonder what is inside an Acne/Pimple? and how it’s formed?
Well, the teeny weeny sebaceous gland will draw out an oily substance “Sebum”. This sebum is an energy source of bacteria. More production of sebum can multiply the amounts of bacteria.
So, when the body scrutinizes the bacteria it dispatches white blood cells to remove the bacteria. This action can cause differences in the skin like blemishes, acne scabs, breakouts, and swelling. [1]
What does Chinese face mapping acne tell about your health?
This face mapping technique will tell you the association between acne and body health. Wondering how? All the organs of the face like nose, forehead, ears, cheeks, chin indicate what’s actually happening within your body. For instance, If a pimple pops up on your forehead it tells you that you’re having some problem with the digestive system. Want to know more about Chinese face mapping acne for male and female?
Let’s get deeper and know how to address the health problem by acne or a pimple.
1. Chinese Face mapping acne – Upper Forehead
Like I said if a pimple pops up on the upper forehead it indicates you’re having some kind of Digestive problems. It’s directly linked to the bladder and intestines. These digestive issues can produce lots of toxins that are responsible for skin breakouts.
And also sometimes due to the overproduction of dandruff, it may fall off on the forehead and cause acne. Dandruff overgrows due to poor hygiene levels, humidity or dryness.
- Consume more antioxidant foods that can get rid of toxins.
- Avoid the intake of processed or trans fat foods.
- Shampoo your hair at least twice a week.
- Drink at least 2-3 liters of water a day.
- Don’t over apply oil to the scalp which can be a source of dandruff and inflammation.
2. Chinese Face mapping acne – Lower Forehead
Acne on the lower forehead indicates your Mental strength. That said stress, depression, irregular sleeping patterns can cause pimples on the lower forehead.
- Worries, fears are incorporated into every human’s life. So, make maximum efforts to de-stress your mind and soul.
- Make quick changes in your sleeping patterns if you’re one of the night owls.
3. Chinese face mapping acne – Eyebrows
The areas of eyebrows and between the eyebrows are linked to the Liver. A stressed liver can show up acne on face. For some people, pimples are spotted on the eyebrows because of poor blood circulation, high-stress levels, consumption of sugars, refined foods and alcohol.
- Do some exercises, brisk walks, yoga or go on strolls for good blood circulation and to de-stress yourself
- Avoid food rivals like refined/processed foods, white sugars, and alcohol.
4. Chinese Face mapping acne – Nose
Pimples showing up on the nose reflects poor cardiovascular health. You probably will find negative fluctuations in blood pressure, cholesterol, and stress levels. The sole reason for this issue is a poor diet. Our body gets encountered with several health problems like constipation, bloating & indigestion. Thereby, pimples will sprout up on the nose.
- Unwind yourself by exercising and hanging around with your close ones.
- Don’t follow poor diet plans.
- Wash your face thoroughly to get rid of excess dirt and makeup.
5. Chinese face mapping Acne – Cheeks
The cheeks correlate with the Lungs. Pimples on cheeks are caused by a number of reasons like allergies, exposure to sun, usage of skin care products that don’t suit your skin, smoking and much more.
- Always apply sunscreen while you head out in humid or moist places.
- Don’t go for greasy/creamy cosmetics. They don’t suit many skin types. Instead, go with light creams or lotions.
- Avoid talking long hours on phone and clean your phone once in a while.
- Ensure to avoid respiratory stress which is caused by smoking excessively.
6. Chinese face mapping Acne – Mouth
When you’re not taking care of your stomach and small intestine, pimples are shown up around the mouth area. These problems are because of the consumption of too many fatty foods, sugars and also sometimes the greasy cosmetic products could be a reason.
- Eat fresh foods like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, and seeds.
- Include foods high in fiber content.
- Try not to use greasy cosmetics.
7. Acne face map organs – Chin area and Jawline

The areas of chin or jawline are linked with Reproductive organs or Hormones and Kidneys. Pimples popping up on these areas are due to,
- Hormonal imbalance – like getting periods early in a week
- Kidney issues – This is, therefore, stressing out the kidneys
- Thyroid
- Stress
- Relax.. Relax.. yourself. Don’t stress out much. Go for early morning walks, evening strolls, indulge in recreational activities.
8. Chinese Face mapping acne – Ears
Ears are associated with the Kidneys. Consequently, pimples are often shown up on ears because of Kidney troubles. Such kidney troubles can be due to drinking less water and high intake of salt, or caffeine.
- Cleanse your Kidneys by drinking more water at least 3-4 liters a day.
- Cut down the consumption of salt and caffeine.
9.Acne mapping other organs – Neck
Acne on the neck region is caused due to some bacterial infections. When your body doesn’t have resistance to fight over such infections your neck region will be prone to acne.
- Drink plenty of water, detox drinks, fruit juices, and green vegetable juices
- Munch on foods rich in vitamins and fiber
- Don’t stress yourself
- Most importantly don’t be a night owl
Chinese medicine refers to face as “the window to your health”. This is the correlation between acne and your overall health according to ancient Chinese medicine i.e the Chinese face mapping acne.
This face mapping acne has made the process of reducing acne very easy. By now you would easily address the problem whenever a pimple pops up on any organs of your face.
Stay healthy! Stay happy!
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