7 Reasons Why your Hair Stopped Growing

Hair growth depends on several factors. Your hair is genetically programmed to stop growing after reaching a particular length, later it goes through the catagen, telogen, exogen phases before growing again.

However, different people have different hair growth cycles that are affected by various factors. The most common reasons behind hair loss could be split ends, damaged hair ends, dry & frizzy hair, loss of moisture, and other factors that cause internal damage and make your hair brittle. Eventually, you’ll face hair loss until your hair replenishes with lost moisture.

In this article, we’ve mentioned all the factors that could be a reason why your hair stopped growing.


Why did my Hair stop Growing?

The growth cycle of your hair follicles has four phases,

  • Anagen (growing phase)
  • Catagen (transition phase)
  • Telogen (resting phase)
  • Exogen (hair shedding phase)

If the hair growth cycle is disrupted due to any factor, then your normal hair growth will be affected. Here are some of the reasons that probably is the reason your hair stopped growing.

1. Stress

how to stop and reduce hair loss

Stress can not only lead to health problems but also to skin issues. It triggers a condition called Telogen Effluvium in which your hair enters the telogen phase which is the resting phase. Thereby it restricts almost 30% of hair growth and affects your hair growth cycle. This leads to hair loss.

So, try to balance your mood swings with soothing music, hang around with your buddies, or enjoy your sabbatical.

[Read more: Simple Home remedies to improve your hair texture]

2. Age Factor

Aging can cause wrinkles, fine lines, and grey hair. But does it also cause hair fall? Absolutely yes in some cases. When your hair weakens, it loses the required moisture balance and leads to hair loss. Besides your physical health, lifestyle changes, and diet also affect your hair growth cycle.

This reminds me to take the utmost care of my hair at every phase of my life. Haircare includes proper nourishment, scalp massage, oiling hair, using a gentle shampoo, and not using hair styling products too often.


3. Split Ends

split ends

This is one of the major reasons why your hair stopped growing. People having dry hair issues are likely to face split ends. In such a case, your hair doesn’t receive proper nutrients to balance the moisture levels. The hair ends will start splitting, resulting in hair breakage.

Therefore, the only way to undo split ends is to chop them off.


4. Poor Hair Care

Improper hair care severely damages your hair. Furthermore, using styling tools too often, inadequate washing and conditioning your hair, use of chemical products, can damage your hair health.

So, if you’re longing for that healthy, thick, long, and soft hair, you must follow a good hair care routine.

[Readmore: Indian Haircare routine for healthy and strong hair]

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5. Thyroid Problems

Irregularities in the production of hormones by the thyroid glands can also wreak havoc on your hair. Hyperthyroidism or Hypothyroidism can affect your hair growth by disturbing the body’s functionality and metabolism, thereby causing hair to fall.


6. Alopecia Areata

Alopecia Areata is a hair condition which is an autoimmune disorder that harms the cells in your hair follicles and causes hair fall.

Experts believe that this condition might be genetically inherited or if people are diagnosed with hay fever, down syndrome, asthma, and vitiligo are at a high risk of developing it.

This condition can be treated with the right medication and treatments done by your healthcare professional.


7. Hair Styling Tools

hair styling tools

Excessive use of hairstyling tools, chemical treatments & chemical products used to style your hair have a huge impact on your hair health and growth. There will be a build-up of oils on your scalp which can block the follicles and impede hair growth.

So, try to avoid such hair styling tools, pulling your hair tight, and the use of chemical products that damage your hair health.


Up to the very end!

These are some of the major causes of hair fall. A proper hair care routine, including a balanced diet and regular workouts into your routine, can help you solve any of your skin or health issues.

Hope this article helps you. Leave a comment below if you have any questions.


Up next: How to Stop and Reduce Hair Fall Immediately

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