08 Korean beauty secrets for flawless skin

Many of us prefer to have a bright, flawless skin rather than having a gloomy and pigmented skin. Yay or nay? Well, most of us concentrate only on how to whiten skin and completely forget the other factors like blemishes, dark spots which also give a gloomy impact on the skin.

What actually is skin whitening? 

Skin whitening is not just the measures you take in whitening your skin but something beyond that. Getting a healthy glow to the skin through natural ways and eventually getting rid of blemishes, dark spots, acne, pigmentation is the justification for whitening the skin.

Koreans are very much concerned about their skin. Apparently, they give utmost importance to the skin rather than anything in the world. The key reason for such fair, luminous, pigmentation free, dark spots free skin is their Skincare routine and perfect diet plan. Every Korean woman equips a perfect skincare routine and they would never compromise or give up. Are you interested to know the disclosed beauty secrets of Korean women? Well, stick to the article.

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Top Korean beauty secrets for whiter skin


korean beauty secrets


1. Bring out glow with natural ingredients

Korean women’s primary beauty secret is going natural. More precisely they concentrate on natural ingredients than chemical products that damage the skin. The natural ingredients primarily Koreans use include Soy milk, Vitamin C, Honey, and Ginseng.

Soy milk is a rich source of protein that promotes moisture to the skin. It also contains vitamin C which can flush out toxins, cleanses the body, and adds up glow to the skin.

Vitamin C has got many antioxidant and antibacterial properties that can detoxify the skin by removing free radicals that cause pigmentation.

[Read: How to use Vitamin C in skin whitening]


Honey has antibacterial properties that can lighten and moisturize the skin. If you dab some honey on zits or dark circles they disappear in no time. It can also be used as lip scrub for soft, dewy, and luscious pink lips.

Ginseng a perennial plant is treated as Chinese ayurvedic medicine. It slows down the aging process, reduces skin pigmentation, blemishes, and lightens up the skin.

Check out these Best-selling Korean Products on Amazon,


2. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

Whether its hot day or hazy day, summers, or winters whatever you should not step out without slapping on some sunscreen. Our skin is more susceptible to the sun’s most harmful UV rays. These rays can damage the skin by causing pigmentation, blemishes, wrinkles, acne. Furthermore, these hazardous rays increase the production of melanin compounds in dark skin people.

For Korean people putting on sunscreen is the first step in the skin whitening regime. NeVer eVer they neglect this first step of prevention. So, don’t forget to slap on sunscreen though you forget to wear makeup.

[Read: How to Choose Sunscreen for your Skin type and apply it]



3. How they choose skincare products?

Most of the Korean women hunt for Whitening and Deep moisturizing natural products with no chemicals. Of course, they also seek for anti-aging, anti-wrinkle products. Whatsoever, moisturizing skin is a must & must for them. They use moisturizing masks and creams, under-eye creams, night creams, and thoroughly massage with them to supply moisture to the skin and for luminous texture.

Choose the products according to your skin type because oily skin type has some specific products whilst dry skin type has some set of products.

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korean beauty secrets for whiter skin



4. How do they protect the skin in humid, hot weather?

Many Koreans do believe and follow these prevention steps,

  • Usually, in hot weather, Koreans don’t use heavy creams that produce excess oils. Instead, they get hands-on light moisturizers, sunscreens, and whitening products.

Also, in “tropical or humid places skin dries off quickly if you don’t follow perfect skincare regime”.

So, they put on light moisturizers/sunscreens and mostly they don’t use makeup or use very less makeup because makeup can dehydrate the skin.

  • Drinking plenty of water like a fish will keep you hydrated all through the day.
  • Also, they use spray mists when they head out in the hot sun which can give instant hydration and freshness. During nights, they apply sheet masks, moisturizers, some home ingredients like aloe vera gel, egg yolk, tomatoes.
[Read more: Best Essential Oils for Sun damage]


5. Korean skincare routine day and night

Koreans are so fond of skincare products and indeed they follow a 10 step skincare routine which always keeps the skin radiant, moist, supple. They include Oil cleansers, Water cleansers, Exfoliators, Toners, Essence, Serums, Sheet masks, Moisturizers, Eye creams, and Sunscreens in their 10 step skincare regime.

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[Read: Top Korean Skincare Products in India for Spotless Skin ]


6. Can getting tongue round the vowels whiten your skin?

In general, most people follow up few facial exercises to have good blood circulation as well as to prevent saggy, dry skin with fine lines and wrinkles. Besides exercises, Korean people have a common belief that when you stretch/wide open your mouth there would be an internal blood circulation and no more sagginess. Eventually, a body with good blood circulation can wash off toxins and enhance the skin texture. So, they often recite the vowels or pronounce “Ma Me Mi Mo Mu” rigorously.


7. What do they eat?

Koreans simply believe that eating healthy food and staying always happy can give youthful radiance and healthy glowing skin. They munch on foods like Ginseng, Kimchi, Soy milk, green smoothies, aloe juice, and plenty of fruits, vegetables.  They don’t go for high sodium, sugary, salty, spicy foods that dehydrate the skin. Finally, Koreans ensure to maintain a good balance of water level in their body.


8. One magical course of action

When we do a makeover to our face with different products, the chemicals in the products tend to dehydrate the skin. Putting on too much makeup or not washing it off for a long time can be sole reasons for dehydration, wrinkles, acne, scars and the list goes on. So, wash off the makeup before hitting the hay with cleansing oils.

Koreans mostly prefer to wash off makeup with cleansing oils like Coconut, Almond and Olive oil.

Then apply toner and serum which retains back the moisture. Lastly, rejuvenate your skin with either moisturizer or overnight sleeping masks.

Up to the very end!

These are some of the Korean skin changes you could make to your skin in order to get the glowy flawless skin back. If you’ve anything to ask, please leave a comment below. We’d be glad to answer.

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Last update on 2025-02-20 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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